This page contains an infographic with the T/CT win rates for the past six months on each of the maps in the current map pool. The graphic is created in R and uses the dplyr and DT packages, as well as DBI and RPostgres for the database connection. The code is included in the bottom of the page.
## con<- DBI database connection
data<- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "select map,
sum(team1_ct + team2_ct)*1.0/sum(team1_ct + team2_ct + team1_t + team2_t)*1.0 as CT,
sum(team1_t + team2_t)*1.0/sum(team1_ct + team2_ct + team1_t + team2_t)*1.0 as T
from hltv_maps inner join hltv_matches mm
on hltv_maps.match_id = mm.match_id
where age(now(), mm.match_time) < interval '180 days'
and map != 'Default'
group by map
order by map;")
data$map<- trimws(data$map)
data$ct<- round(data$ct, 4)
data$t<- round(data$t, 4)
datatable(data, rownames = F) %>%
formatPercentage('ct', 2) %>%
formatPercentage('t', 2) %>%
formatStyle('map', color = 'black', fontWeight = 'bold') %>%
formatStyle('ct', color = 'black', background = styleColorBar(c(0, 1), 'steelblue', -90)) %>%
formatStyle('t', color = 'black', background = styleColorBar(c(0, 1), '#FFAA00', -90))